My Works

Below are selected artifacts from my work in the Writing in Digital Environments course. Each artifact demonstrates my understanding in one aspect of Porter's Techne framework.

Artifacts 1 and 2: Projects 1 and 2 - "Just Created a New Character. What Should I Call It?"

Prezi Presentation:
This presentation was created to explore how a specific "text" has circulated across time and space and the connections central to that circulation. In layman's terms, I explored a viral internet meme (Just created a new character. What should I call it?) to see how its circulation impacts those who use it, and why it's used. I even went further and talked about how its creation arose from another viral internet meme (Man), and the epicenter for both memes (r/BatmanArkham).
I included it because it best shows the Distribution/Circulation aspect of Porter's framework, as the presentation shows how a meme that started on Reddit could evolve both inside and outside Reddit. The more hands on process of getting the research and putting the Prezi together is ultimately why I chose this artifact over the others we did for the Distribution/Circulation aspect of Porter's framework.
Doing this artifact helped me better understand the Distribution/Circulation aspect of Porter's framework as it literally sent me on a wild goose chase to determine its origins. Fortunately, I was vaguely aware of its origins, so it was a just a matter of finding out when, not where. And once I had done that, I was able to dig deeper into the r/BatmanArkham subreddit to understand the method behind the mindness, and ultimately uncover that it was just for good fun.

Video Presentation:
This video is a follow-up to the Prezi from project 1, presenting the same concepts in a different medium. I included it because while the Prezi is text based, it lacks in accessibility features (specifically alt-text).
Including it also helps to show the Access/Accessibility aspect of Porter's framework, as now those who can't see the text can now access it via the video through either sound or by using a narrated closed captioning device. I chose this one over the other assignments in class for that very reason, it only enhaces what I have already provided. In my mind, I could not include Project 1 without including Project 2 as one of my artifacts.
Besides giving me high amounts of anxiety and eventually frustration when the batteries for my clicker ran out around 3 slides in, doing this artifact really helped me understand the amount of work that goes into making text based content more accessible. I believe even with all my out takes, going in and adding the closed captioning still took longer to do than the actual recording and script writing process itself.